Sunday, November 20, 2011

My life closed twice before its close

My life closed twice before its close-
It yet remains to see
If Immortality unveil
A third event to me

So huge, so hopeless to conceive
As these that twice befell.
Parting is all we know of heaven,
And all we need of hell.

The Central purpose of the poem is death. In my opinion, the reader has had two near death experiences before she actually experiences physical death. Although, the author doesn't reveal the near death experiences, you can tell that it definitely had to be something very meaningful to him or her. What I consider meaningful losses are co the loss of a family member or friend, or when someone leaves us romantically.

The second stanza implies that he or she feels hopeless because his or her loss has happened more than once and it's hard to comprehend. We know when physical death of a love one leaves the earthly world that part of us sees heaven because no more suffering, but while stuck on earth is like living in hell because we hurt so bad. A serious break up feels like death to some of us because our heart hurts so bad. Parting from the relationship can be good at the same time because we know down deep it was not meant to be.

"Faith" is a fine invention

"Faith" is a fine invention
When Gentlemen can see-
But Microscopes are prudent
In an emergency

The Central purpose of the poem is Religion vs Science. The speaker is saying that in order for a person to believe in Faith they have to see it happen and witness it. When Science comes in to play they believe what has happened whether proven or not.

There are no literary devices.

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,
And Mourners to and Fro
Kept treading-treading-till it seemed
That Sense was breaking through-

And when they all were seated,
A service, like a Drum-
Kept beating-beating-till I thought
My mind was going numb-

And I heard them lift a Box
And creak across my Soul
With those same Boots of Lead, again,
Then Space-began to toll,

As all the Heavens were a Bell,
And Being, but an Ear,
And I, and silence,some strange Race

And then a Plank in Reason,broke,
And I dropped down,and down-
And hit a World, at every plunge,
And Finished knowing-then-

The poem "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain", uses similes and repetition to describe what she is thinking.The speaker writes " A service, like a Drum-Kept beating-beating-till I thought My mind was going numb." the service that she is comparing to a drum is like the service was long drawn out and never ending.

The Central Purpose of this poem is Death and how she is imaging how her own funeral would be. All she can do is hear whats going on at her funeral. When she was dropped down in the grave, it was like she entered into a new world. At that point she didn't know what to think.